Your teacher

Panch Nishan Khalsa

Panch Nishan is a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer. She has been teaching yoga for over 20 years in a wide range of environments and locations. Her specialties include yoga for women, pre-natal, burnout prevention and relationships. Presenting the ancient teachings of yoga in a modern context is a skill of hers and she finds it important to introduce yoga in a way that people can integrate it into their daily lives to improve communication, relationships, and vitality in order to be successful in all aspects of life. Panch Nishan is from the USA and currently lives in Berlin Germany with her husband and son.

What students say:

  • "Thank you for your wonderful inspiring presence - in my house - in the teacher training - and in Andartak Yoga Center :-) Keep up with your good work - you are a wonderful teacher - very inspiring and nurturing and elevating and a lot more :-)" Guðrún/ Darshan, Reykjavik

  • "Thank you for your very nice and clear presence. Very inspiring for me in my life. It is what I have to work for, to be strong and go for what I really want with a lot of love." Jai Hari/Anne David, France

  • "Again I'd like to thank you for your wonderful pre-natal yoga sessions. I'm not much of a yoga expert and the few yoga classes I'd attended in Berlin before were very focussed on physical exercise, rather than integrating the mind and soul. The classes you gave, represented all of them, body, mind and spirit and was exactly what I'd expected yoga to be and certainly what I'd been looking for in pre-natal yoga. So again, thank you so much. It was wonderfully uplifting!" Janine, Berlin

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