This course offers you the chance to unload the overload, create mindspace for a new vision, and handle the all-pervasive stress affecting the entire planet right now.

This is for you if:

  • You want to clear your mind...

    and release the mental overload of negativity, frustration, anger and doubts. You want techniques to support you in replacing unwanted thoughts, creating mental space, shifting your brain chemistry, and creating an altitude in perception. You would love to get a grip on your mind!

  • You want to strengthen your capacity...

    to skillfully navigate the overwhelming amount of upsetting information from the news, social media and other electronic communications. To enhance your ability to show up for your relationships, family or children with loving patience and tolerance. You need strong nerves!

  • You want to consciously create your future...

    while being kind to yourself as you reinvent who you are and where your life is going, through the 2020 loss of a goal, dream or ideal. You seek mental altitude and a connection to your vision to feel steadily attuned to your dreams for yourself and the world.

Results of this course:

Our minds need all the help they can get right unload the mental overload of sensory input, information and uncertainty! You may have moments of complete mental freak out or despair…..asking yourself how can I continue? Imagine feeling:

  • Relief! Feeling good, uplifted, emotionally balanced, clear minded and focused.

  • In Control of your mind so that your mind is working for you, taking toward your goals, creating the future you want!

  • Clear and balanced when talking with friends or family with different viewpoints.

  • Centered when looking at the news and connected to a place inside where you feel safe and secure independent of what is going around you

  • The ability to make big decisions that are aligned with your vision for the future

  • Empowered by your gifts, your strengths and inner resources like; Radiant Health, Ease, Abundance, Creative Power, Calm... What you focus your mind on is what grows in your life. Water the seeds of thought that create the state you want to live in!


“If you can keep a clear vision for your future, it will pull you like a magnet through your toughest times.”

- Tony Robbins

Watch Intro Video

Click here now to watch Panch Nishan share about this video course

I use these tools to work through my overload as well…

Panch Nishan Khalsa

After what I’ve gone through over the past 7 months, what friends, family, clients, students have gone through…I was inspired to create this course for you and share some of the techniques that have been profoundly helpful in the mental realm to conquer debilitating negativity, doubts, depression, overwhelm, mental fatigue; to navigate a time of crisis and come out from under the burden.

I designed this course for you to feel and experience your strength, your clarity, to navigate home in yourself – a place where you feel safe and secure independent of what is going around.

This course is packed with tools and meditations that I have been using to help me stay in balance with my mind and when I lose the balance, to get back and re-align.

I’ve been using and sharing these tools from Kundalini Yoga for the past 21 years and am continually humbled and astounded by how effective they are and in the selection of tools for this course - their effectiveness of creating mental elevation, alignment, strong nerves, energy, focus and clarity!

Course Overview:

This course offers you the chance to unload your mental overload, create mindspace for a new vision and handle the all-pervasive stress affecting the entire planet right now.

Through a daily practice of kundalini yoga, meditation and self reflection you will be able to connect to the bigger picture, connect to your vision, connect to the true you. To tap into inspiration as a visionary leader as you create the future. Unload your overload so you have the freed up mental space to enjoy life even in the chaos, live your purpose, serve others and be the ones who shape this new world!

• DAILY TIME COMMITMENT: 25 - 45 minutes
• FORMAT: Virtual Course delivered by videos, live zoom calls, active community forum.
• START DATE: Whenever you want,

Whats included:

  • 6 Weekly Meditations released weekly to Unload the Mental Overload

  • A 40 day practice - 1 consistent meditation of 11 minutes a day to focus the mind on creating the future you want

  • 6 Kundalini Yoga Sessions - Each week a different yoga practice to prepare you for meditation. Although yoga is part of this course - the focus will be more on the meditation practice

  • 6 Self Reflection & Inspiration Videos - Weekly inspiration on the theme of the week along with a weekly self reflection exercise to help integrate the changes the meditation will bring into your daily life through exploring questions and coaching tools for self reflection.

  • Community Forum - Access to a private Community Support Forum throughout the course and interaction with Panch Nishan and other course participants.

  • 2 Zoom Live Events - Wed Dec 1st 18:30 - 20:00 Live Class & Discussion & Dec 16th 6:00 - 7:30 Live early morning practice

Pricing Options

I’m looking forward to supporting you with these techniques that have assisted me in creating a mental relief and new vision during this time personal and global challenges and chaos.

Course Preview

    1. Welcome to Unload the Overload

    2. 40 Day Meditation - Beaming & Creating the Future

    3. Meditation Accountability Tracker

    4. Warm-Up Exercises

    1. Kriya Module 1

    2. Special Mediation Module 1

    3. 40 Day Meditation -Beaming & Creating the Future

    4. Self Reflection Module 1

    1. Intro Module 2

    2. Kriya Module 2

    3. Special Meditation Module 2

    4. 40 Day Meditation - Beaming & Creating the Future

    5. Self Reflection Module 2

    1. Intro Module 3

    2. Kriya Module 3

    3. Special Meditation Module 3

    4. 40 Day Meditation - Beaming & Creating the Future

    5. Self Reflection Module 3

    1. Intro Module 4

    2. Self Reflection Module 4

    3. Kriya Module 4

    4. Special Meditation Module 4

    5. 40 Day Meditation - Beaming & Creating the Future

    1. Intro Module 5

    2. Kriya Module 5

    3. Special Meditation Module 5

    4. 40 Day Meditation - Beaming & Creating the Future

    5. Self Reflection Module 5

About this course

  • €197,00
  • 34 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content


  • I can't get trough the payment process, what can I do?

    If you have any problems please send us an email to [email protected].

  • Will I have access to the course after the 6 weeks?

    Yes, for everyone who needs more time to go through the content provided in the course, access to all course content and videos are available for 6 more weeks. So you have access to the course in total for 12 weeks.

  • Where will the course be hosted on?

    We created this amazing platform for you, where you can access all the videos online with a very user friendly structure.

  • What exactly is a Self Reflection Exercise?

    Being a longterm Kundalini Yoga Practicioner I realised that some times even a strong practice like Kundalini Yoga needs some support. I myself benefited greatly from my coaching experiences in my early twenties. It really helps to integrate so we can really tap the answers inside. Every week there is a special alchemy between yoga sets and these exercise. The tools themselves help us so much, but we also need to work on our own capacitiy to integrate the changes that come about into our daily live.

  • I already know some yoga and meditation, and can find free videos online, how is this different?

    It’s true there’s great yoga and meditation resources online however they to following through on taking the actions that will make the biggest difference for you is to simplify by having a trusted teacher share specific suggestions (saves a lot of wondering and research time), and having the group container and energy and accountability to do it which gives you a boost of momentum and creates a new normal for you.

  • I recently lost my job and am not sure spending money on this program is the best choice for me right now.

    In order to address people in different financial situations please contact us [email protected] to find a payment plan that works for you. If you have the financial freedom this course is a great support for yourself in creating a high energy that will also help you through a period of unemployment or uncertainty. Rather than being in anxiety and overwhelm let’s use this momentum to reboot.

  • Is the course in English only?

    The course language is English only. We are working to also provide content with subtitles in German in the future.